The oldest biotechnology holds promise for the future of food.
Almost no one saw this coming.
Against cultures of planned obsolescence.
You cannot build a secular civilization into the future without a kind of faith.
Solarpunk offers a potent narrative space for imagining secular worlds to come, and how to get there.
"Why wait 100,000 years for natural selection to do its job?"
Astronomers have found an estimated 40% of the near-Earth asteroids that are 140 m and larger. You do the math.
The saying about putting a fox in charge of the hen house grossly underestimates human ingenuity. We are not foxes, and so we have the ability to be much cleverer custodians of institutions we’re still destroying.
Some philosophers stray into religious fantasy when they argue that a far-off utopian scenario supersedes any obligations to the present.
Reading Time: 9 minutes Online panic about AI models like ChatGPT follows a well-travelled path set by impoverished understandings of evolutionary theory. Can we reclaim human agency?
Reading Time: 4 minutes On January 24, the Science and Security Board of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists officially moved the hands on the Doomsday Clock, which for three quarters of a century has been used to depict humanity’s risk of global disaster from nuclear war. When the clock was first
Reading Time: 11 minutes This past year, news outlets have been reporting that initial predictions for polar ice melt were overly optimistic: ice sheets are melting much faster than models for the 2021 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Report suggested. Irrespective o