Welcome to OnlySky

Journey into a future shaped by creativity, critical thought, and secular habits of mind. Help shape what’s next!

Becky Garrison
Members Public

Are brewpubs and tasting rooms the churches of the future?

As churches vanish, your local brewpub may help satisfy the need for human communion.

Dale McGowan
Members Public

The emptying of Florida

Many Floridians currently fleeing Hurricane Milton are unlikely to return. It may be the first big step in the predicted near-emptying of the climate-exposed peninsula.

Adam Lee
Members Public

I still want to go to Mars, but not if Elon Musk punches the ticket

It's bad enough what Musk does on Earth. I don't want him controlling my oxygen supply.

Jonathan MS Pearce
Members Public

The problem with eternity

Thinking 500 or 10,000 or a million years in the future is hard enough. Yet some people toss around eternity as if they understand it.

Tom Krattenmaker
Members Public

For a future worth living in, we need one fundamental shift

Every aspect of life in the future will take place in the jaws of a climate emergency.

Bruce Ledewitz
Members Public

What can future secularists learn from the Jewish High Holy Days?

The coming secular civilization will have regional variations borrowing concepts and even rituals from local religions.

Adam Lee
Members Public

Is the US headed for a cold civil war?

A majority of Americans fear that political violence is imminent. But it may not take quite the form we imagine.

Dale McGowan
Members Public

The methadone of the people

It's tempting to imagine a future free of the opium of the people. But there's a new addiction right behind it.

Phil Zuckerman
Members Public

Embracing 'hereness': A secular Jewish, anti-Zionist movement is reborn

The new Bund is another signal that the future of Judaism may be much more secular.

Adam Lee
Members Public

Be an average citizen of the future, now

Why not get ahead of the curve?

Marcus Johnson
Members Public

It may be time to accept that we're living in a simulation

New religion incoming.

Jonathan MS Pearce
Members Public

The future of the fights against disease and war

God has had his turn. Securing a future with less disease and war is up to us.