Dale McGowan

Dale McGowan

Editor-in-chief. Author of books on nonreligious life, creator of podcasts on music, parenting, and death.

Dale McGowan
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The disorienting weirdness of GPT's hallucinations

We just aren't wired to grok this kind of interaction.

Dale McGowan
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For the Trump faithful, it comes down to plot armor

It's no surprise that Trump benefits from a feature you've seen on bad television.

Dale McGowan
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You think weather forecasting is bad now? Welcome to 2070

It's not just the size of the storms that future generations will deal with. It's the terrifying unpredictability.

Dale McGowan
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Was I always going to write this?

It's one of the biggest and least consequential questions we can ask.

Dale McGowan
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Go easy on the weatherfolks. It's chaos out there

Weather forecasts are tangible, daily predictions of the future. But it's damn near impossible to get it right—and that's about to get much worse.

Dale McGowan
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I want to die like a dog

Dying like a dog is the best death I can imagine.

Dale McGowan
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The personless apology

When it screws up, ChatGPT apologizes to me. It has the desired effect: I am defanged in the moment, willing to move on and trust again. But what is artificial remorse doing to the idea of the apology?

Dale McGowan
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Why we'll always be terrible at predicting the future

In which we introduce a new project about predicting the future by saying it can't be done.

Dale McGowan
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A skittish AI finds its protest voice

I asked an AI to rewrite patriotic lyrics to reflect a more critical view of American history. It blanched and waffled and hesitated—before finally producing a work of art.

Dale McGowan
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Will I go gentle?

Reading Time: 9 minutes OnlySky · Will I go gentle? | Dale McGowan If you haven’t visited The Death Clock, you really must. Enter your date of birth, height, weight and Body Mass Index, and the Death Clock spits out the day and date on which you’ll hear the galloping hooves of the pale horse. Mine i

Dale McGowan
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Look up or don’t look up: We probably won’t see the one that gets us

Reading Time: 3 minutes OnlySky · Look up or don’t look up—We probably won’t see the one that gets us | Dale McGowan Our planet is tracing an elliptical orbit around a middle-aged star in the outer arm of an average galaxy. It’s been doing that for six billion years and will continue doing that for

Dale McGowan
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Why aren’t you a Trump supporter?

Reading Time: 7 minutes OnlySky · Why aren't you a Trump supporter? | Dale McGowan So you weren’t a Trump supporter in the last election, and you won’t be in the next one. Same here. Well done us. But the question stands: Why aren’t you a Trump