Is it any wonder that we’re lousy at imagining any futures but complete apocalypse or vague utopia?
Solarpunk offers a potent narrative space for imagining secular worlds to come, and how to get there.
A thoughtful piece of art that could have been so much greater.
When we fix a bridge or give someone better healthcare, we’re saying that this life and this world are worth protecting.
The power to control ever-greater amounts of energy is a hallmark of civilization’s progress, and humanity is poised to take the next big step.
The UN estimate of Earth’s human population has flown past eight billion. Can less religion slow the explosion?
Simulation theorists argue whether we can make our own decisions or are controlled by the hyper-intelligence that created the universe. Sounds familiar.
Artificial intelligence is big business, and it’s not going away.
How might Christianity work intelligent alien life into their worldview? Did everyone get a Jesus?
Evangelicals have expressed both dread regarding AI’s popularity and power, and excitement about its potential to turn around their decades-long decline.
Humans have the capacity to grieve the world ahead, knowing how much is going wrong today. But tomorrow sorrow can make us stronger actors.
Today’s young people are going through a significant shift. Young women appeared to be more concerned with and aligned to progressive values and issues, while young men are moving in a more conservative direction.