
Will Gervais
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Of God and global warming: The future of faith and atheism

Our species hasn’t put in the work needed for religion to fade away.

Bruce Ledewitz
Members Public

Ross Douthat wants you to believe in God

The orderly universe is not the pro-God argument Douthat thinks it is.

Bruce Ledewitz
Members Public

Lessons for a future atheist president from Jimmy Carter’s funeral

A secular civilization, like any civilization, will need a story about a beneficent universe and a hopeful future.

Bruce Ledewitz
Members Public

Why there won’t be a religious revival

No religion alive today is fit for a future revival.

Jonathan MS Pearce
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The problem with eternity

Thinking 500 or 10,000 or a million years in the future is hard enough. Yet some people toss around eternity as if they understand it.

Bruce Ledewitz
Members Public

What can future secularists learn from the Jewish High Holy Days?

The coming secular civilization will have regional variations borrowing concepts and even rituals from local religions.

Marcus Johnson
Members Public

It may be time to accept that we're living in a simulation

New religion incoming.

Andrew Fiala
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Could the rise of the nonreligious defuse the population bomb?

The UN estimate of Earth’s human population has flown past eight billion. Can less religion slow the explosion?

Jonathan MS Pearce
Members Public

The saved and the damned of Proxima Centauri B

How might Christianity work intelligent alien life into their worldview? Did everyone get a Jesus?

Captain Cassidy
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AI: The newest squirrel distracting evangelicals from their own decline

Evangelicals have expressed both dread regarding AI’s popularity and power, and excitement about its potential to turn around their decades-long decline.

Phil Zuckerman
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Z: The least religious generation ever

In an analysis that reads like porn for secularists, Daniel Cox details the degrees to which Gen Z is markedly more secular than any previous generational cohort.

Rick Snedeker
Members Public

Did Krakatoa’s eruption turn Indonesia Muslim?

Reading Time: 5 minutes Starting at 11:05 p.m. on October 11, 2002, three terrorist bombs detonated in quick succession on the picturesque Indonesian island of Bali, killing 202 people, mostly Western tourists, in the teeming bar district. Historians said it had been a very long time coming—119 year