
M L Clark
Members Public

Solarpunk humanism: How we dream bigger than despair

Solarpunk offers a potent narrative space for imagining secular worlds to come, and how to get there.

Evan Stewart
Members Public

Literally building the future: Infrastructure as an act of secular love

When we fix a bridge or give someone better healthcare, we’re saying that this life and this world are worth protecting.

M L Clark
Members Public

How do we talk about impending doom so that people will listen?

Books like ‘The Ministry for the Future’ offer a useful vocabulary for hashing out solutions to our overheating world.

M L Clark
Members Public

Reclaiming human agency in how we think about AI

Reading Time: 9 minutes Online panic about AI models like ChatGPT follows a well-travelled path set by impoverished understandings of evolutionary theory. Can we reclaim human agency?

M L Clark
Members Public

How to spare billionaires from terrorist attack

A radical eco-activist group arises in India after a terrible heat wave kills tens of thousands. The Children of Kali are firm in their declaration to the world: Change with us now, or suffer the wrath of Kali.

M L Clark
Members Public

What fifty years of struggle can teach us, going forward

Reading Time: 9 minutes The year is 1973. In January, Richard Nixon is sworn in for his second term as president, the US officially withdraws from its conflict in Vietnam, and an investigation into the Watergate break-ins expands from the burglars to the statesmen. In the coming months, Nixon will o

M L Clark
Members Public

How do we reckon with ‘Hegemony’ without imposing our own?

Reading Time: 14 minutes I’ll admit, it’s been tough to wrap up this season of Strange New Worlds, knowing that the ongoing writers and actors’ strikes all but guarantee a long delay before Season 3. Season 2 also ends on a cliffhanger, which makes not only the wait but also the write-up a bit more

M L Clark
Members Public

How what’s ‘Lost in Translation’ can be found again in empathy

Reading Time: 12 minutes What defines a “Trek” story varies between Trekkies, but one abiding feature in many series is the role of trust among crew mates. In a 2019 essay for Uncanny Magazine, Nicasio Andres Reed explored what makes this trust extraordinary. Here’s the way the story often goes, in

Rebekah Kohlhepp
Members Public

Introducing LA’s newest secular youth group

Reading Time: 4 minutes When I was a teen, there is nothing I would have loved more than to be in a secular youth group. I wasn’t in a religious youth group, but from what I’ve heard, I didn’t miss much besides purity culture, bad Christian rock music, and suppressed teen hormones. But what if there

M L Clark
Members Public

The longtermism that works—and the kind that doesn’t

Reading Time: 10 minutes In 2004, a tsunami and earthquake killed almost 230,000 people in 14 Indian Ocean countries. Many forms of relief then mouldered on the beaches—used clothes, high heel shoes, expired medicines—because “in-kind” donations are well known not to be effective forms of aid on a g

M L Clark
Members Public

Eight billion of us: What does that mean?

Reading Time: 4 minutes November 15 is the UN’s estimated date for the eight billionth person to join the living human species. We might have hit that number a few days prior, or a few weeks ago. We might meet it tomorrow, or the day after. But some of we eight billion really like the feel of concre

M L Clark
Members Public

Anonymity, privacy, transparency, integrity: Do we even know the future we want?

Reading Time: 8 minutes In the late 2000s, research blossomed around our use of online avatars. Did our videogame icons and social media profiles represent our actual selves, our ideal selves, or something else entirely? And did they have a reciprocal impact, a “Proteus effect” that transformed self