Welcome to OnlySky

Journey into a future shaped by creativity, critical thought, and secular habits of mind. Help shape what’s next!

Adam Lee
Members Public

When we abolished borders

After a while, it was hard to remember why we'd drawn the lines to begin with.

Bruce Ledewitz
Members Public

God and the future of secularism

Does secularism have room for elements of human life traditionally associated with God?

Jonathan MS Pearce
Members Public

Biophysicist: Society will 'eventually accept' designer babies

"Why wait 100,000 years for natural selection to do its job?"

Russell Glasser
Members Public

How A.I. is wrecking the online experience

Our shiny new toy is solving exactly the wrong problem.

Georgia Michelman
Members Public

How much should we worry about asteroids?

Astronomers have found an estimated 40% of the near-Earth asteroids that are 140 m and larger. You do the math.

Dale McGowan
Members Public

You think weather forecasting is bad now? Welcome to 2070

It's not just the size of the storms that future generations will deal with. It's the terrifying unpredictability.

Becky Garrison
Members Public

Leave out your dead: The coming demise of the dirt nap

Once the default, traditional burials will likely be viewed by future generations as a weird, wasteful choice

Casey Karaman
Members Public

‘Station Eleven’: From this day to the ending of the world

A thoughtful piece of art that could have been so much greater.

Samantha Montano
Members Public

The climate crisis is not just a future problem. It's here now

Disaster specialist: 'We can't continue to approach disaster preparedness with resources and thinking from a world that had more time'

Adam Lee
Members Public

The future is a prisoner's dilemma

Our future is increasingly made worse by a refusal to cooperate.

Evan Stewart
Members Public

Literally building the future: Infrastructure as an act of secular love

When we fix a bridge or give someone better healthcare, we’re saying that this life and this world are worth protecting.

Dale McGowan
Members Public

Was I always going to write this?

It's one of the biggest and least consequential questions we can ask.