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Journey into a future shaped by creativity, critical thought, and secular habits of mind. Help shape what’s next!
Democracies fall. So do dictatorships.
The evidence is all around.
The Shrinkening
For all the energy I put in, my input at the national level has come to nothing. What if I start thinking locally?
What the movie Wicked can teach us about resisting Trump
What can the story of a con man, scapegoats, and a resistance possibly have to say about our future?
The rehabilitation of truth
You cannot build a secular civilization into the future without a kind of faith.
Machines and meaning: AI's role in a humanist future
AI raises important questions about what it means to be human. It's time to have that conversation.
The United Cities and Ruralities of America
It's a two-state solution for our own intractable conflict.
Book burning in the digital age
The right has long felt that some of our history needs adjustment. How far will they go?
Watering the seeds of our own destruction
There's a reason fascism is rising at this moment, and why the threat will continue into the future.
Remembering Dora Richter and what it means to survive
People like Dora make it possible to imagine a future where we outlive our oppressors.
Model collapse—the end of the road for AI
AI is developing the same problem as cousins who marry—and for the same reason.