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Adam Lee
Members Public

Heat pumps will bring secular victory

Reading Time: 3 minutes Fossil fuels pay for Vladimir Putin’s war. The oil and gas that Europe buys from Russia become the bombs and missiles falling on Ukraine. If we had a way to break this dependence, if Europeans no longer relied on Russian gas to heat their homes, we could choke off Putin’s rev

Marcus Johnson
Members Public

Could there ever be a Black Trump?

Reading Time: 3 minutes We’re living through a period of rising authoritarianism in US politics. The January 6th Capitol riot was not an isolated incident but a culmination of conservative extremism. Former President Donald Trump regularly flouted political norms and pushed his base toward what were

Adam Lee
Members Public

Why degrowth is wrong

Reading Time: 4 minutes Americans are obsessed with bigness. We build bigger and bigger houses. We drive bigger and bigger cars. We even eat bigger portions and consume more calories than anyone else, including more meat, the most resource-intensive of foods. In short, we idolize excess. We’re the r

Rebekah Kohlhepp
Members Public

Christian nationalism in 2022: An interview with Katherine Stewart

Reading Time: 9 minutes Religious freedom advocate Katherine Stewart, author of The Power Worshippers: Inside the Dangerous Rise of Religious Nationalism, has been writing about politics, policy, education, and church-state relations for over a decade. The Power Worshippers won first place in the Ex

Adam Lee
Members Public

Against doomism

Reading Time: 4 minutes Doom-laden scenarios get the most attention, but slow, bumpy progress toward a better world has always been more likely.

Rebekah Kohlhepp
Members Public

Yet another study found that sex education reduces teen pregnancies

Reading Time: 3 minutes Educating kids about sex is far better than pretending they won’t have it before marriage

Dale McGowan
Members Public

Why aren’t you a Trump supporter?

Reading Time: 7 minutes OnlySky · Why aren't you a Trump supporter? | Dale McGowan So you weren’t a Trump supporter in the last election, and you won’t be in the next one. Same here. Well done us. But the question stands: Why aren’t you a Trump

Jonathan MS Pearce
Members Public

An ethical maze: Designing babies for a greater good?

Reading Time: 16 minutes “At ten months old, we were told he would need a heart transplant. There was no cure for his condition, so we would have to go to Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital at some point. If they had a bed. And a heart. And agreed to the procedure.” Great Ormond Street, the fam

Rebekah Kohlhepp
Members Public

Dr. Phil ambushed trans guests with online troll Matt Walsh

Reading Time: 3 minutes When activists Addison Rose Vincent and Ethan Alexander were invited on “Dr. Phil,” they didn’t expect Matt Walsh to be there too.

Dr. Eve Makoff
Members Public

Narrative medicine: Why stories matter in healthcare

There was a low rumble in the room. I couldn’t hear what anyone was saying above the din, but I feel the excitement in my body even now as my memory-neurons fire. This new batch of future doctors was about to enter terrain more daunting than the fundamentals of

Rick Snedeker
Members Public

Why the U.S. desperately needs a domestic anti-disinformation agency

Reading Time: 6 minutes A new anti-disinformation agency in Sweden is simultaneously encouraging and discouraging in the realm of public free speech and truth. On Jan. 1, the government of this progressive, Scandinavian nation established the Swedish Psychological Defense Agency (SPDA). Its fundamen

Rebekah Kohlhepp
Members Public

Who gets abortions? It’s not who you think

Reading Time: 2 minutes It’s not a promiscuous non-Christian teen in her third trimester who just isn’t ready for kids yet.