
Adam Lee
Members Public

Precision fermentation — feeding the planet with science?

The oldest biotechnology holds promise for the future of food.

Dale McGowan
Members Public

The words we'll need, and the words we won't

New realities will give birth to new lexicons.

Will Gervais
Members Public

How deep does ‘anti-woke’ opinion go among atheists?

As another dispute over 'wokeness' erupts in the atheist world, we revisit a unique study of atheist attitudes.

Dale McGowan
Members Public

You are one of the most important humans who have ever lived

It isn't the end of the world. But give it a minute.

Adam Lee
Members Public

A less crowded future

Almost no one saw this coming.

Adam Lee
Members Public

The passing of the American era

For better and worse, it's over.

Adam Lee
Members Public

Is oligarchy the human condition?

Let's stop pretending that this is a departure from the norm.

Dale McGowan
Members Public

The unforgiven generations

We will be remembered for nothing else.

Adam Lee
Members Public

Weather whiplash: How the future will have to design for resilience

Climate change isn't headed for an extreme. It's headed for every extreme.

Bruce Ledewitz
Members Public

What David Brooks's search for God can teach secularists to embrace and avoid

Brooks's essay is the kind that often exasperates nonbelievers. But is there something of value to secular civilization in his God-optional conclusions?

Adam Lee
Members Public

AI will be the death of the internet

The future of the internet is a lifeless wasteland. But what comes after that could be wild.

Members Public

A brief history of temporary dictatorships

The best time to learn how authoritarianism works is 20 years ago. The second best time is now.