
Adam Lee
Members Public

The middle of history

Reading Time: 5 minutes Why today’s utopian ideologies are unlikely to take us all the way to utopia.

Rick Snedeker
Members Public

Mass killings: Why we need to see the murdered innocents

Reading Time: 7 minutes For several decades beginning in the 1950s, driver education classes in the United States included screenings of “shock films”—documentary shorts, narrated in police drama style, created to bring the reality of high-speed collisions home to young drivers. Names like Highway o

Adam Lee
Members Public

Lack of trust is the universal acid

Reading Time: 4 minutes Our greatest accomplishments sprang from an era of trust and cooperation. Without trust, all our institutions crumble.

Marcus Johnson
Members Public

Between massacres: a uniquely American horror show in seven acts

Reading Time: 7 minutes A shooter enters a building in an American city and takes innocent lives. The name of the shooter is insignificant, while their race and gender are both significant and mostly predictable. The city is Buffalo, or Uvalde, or East Lansing, or Monterey Park, or a hundred others.

Rick Snedeker
Members Public

The Catholic Justices driving the Supreme Court’s Roe reversal

Reading Time: 5 minutes I grew up Catholic, so I know something about the ancient faith’s hammerlock absolutism, especially regarding anything even remotely sexual. That’s why I immediately thought of sexuality when I learned along with everyone else this week about the “leaked draft opinion” of U.S

Marcus Johnson
Members Public

Could there ever be a Black Trump?

Reading Time: 3 minutes We’re living through a period of rising authoritarianism in US politics. The January 6th Capitol riot was not an isolated incident but a culmination of conservative extremism. Former President Donald Trump regularly flouted political norms and pushed his base toward what were

Rebekah Kohlhepp
Members Public

Christian nationalism in 2022: An interview with Katherine Stewart

Reading Time: 9 minutes Religious freedom advocate Katherine Stewart, author of The Power Worshippers: Inside the Dangerous Rise of Religious Nationalism, has been writing about politics, policy, education, and church-state relations for over a decade. The Power Worshippers won first place in the Ex

Dale McGowan
Members Public

Why aren’t you a Trump supporter?

Reading Time: 7 minutes OnlySky · Why aren't you a Trump supporter? | Dale McGowan So you weren’t a Trump supporter in the last election, and you won’t be in the next one. Same here. Well done us. But the question stands: Why aren’t you a Trump

Rick Snedeker
Members Public

Why the U.S. desperately needs a domestic anti-disinformation agency

Reading Time: 6 minutes A new anti-disinformation agency in Sweden is simultaneously encouraging and discouraging in the realm of public free speech and truth. On Jan. 1, the government of this progressive, Scandinavian nation established the Swedish Psychological Defense Agency (SPDA). Its fundamen

Marcus Johnson
Members Public

Will Red and Blue America have an amicable divorce?

Reading Time: 4 minutes During the Civil War, Union General William Sherman and Confederate General John Bell Hood exchanged letters. In their correspondence, Bell expressed disgust at his belief that the Union was fighting to give political rights to former slaves. Hood writes: You came into our co