earthquake of perspective

Rick Snedeker
Members Public

Why did the color violet go viral after 1863?

Allen Tager has spent the new millennium thus far trying to find out why the color violet is so difficult to find through thousands of years of human history—until suddenly it was everywhere.

Eva Valenti
Members Public

Adam and Steve: Queer artists repurpose Genesis as a gay love story

By “queering” Genesis with their music, Dorian Electra and Lil Nas X repurposed the Adam and Eve dynamic, turning it into a gay love story.

Marcus Johnson
Members Public

Could there ever be a Black Trump?

Reading Time: 3 minutes We’re living through a period of rising authoritarianism in US politics. The January 6th Capitol riot was not an isolated incident but a culmination of conservative extremism. Former President Donald Trump regularly flouted political norms and pushed his base toward what were

Adam Lee
Members Public

Why degrowth is wrong

Reading Time: 4 minutes Americans are obsessed with bigness. We build bigger and bigger houses. We drive bigger and bigger cars. We even eat bigger portions and consume more calories than anyone else, including more meat, the most resource-intensive of foods. In short, we idolize excess. We’re the r

Adam Lee
Members Public

Against doomism

Reading Time: 4 minutes Doom-laden scenarios get the most attention, but slow, bumpy progress toward a better world has always been more likely.

Dale McGowan
Members Public

Why aren’t you a Trump supporter?

Reading Time: 7 minutes OnlySky · Why aren't you a Trump supporter? | Dale McGowan So you weren’t a Trump supporter in the last election, and you won’t be in the next one. Same here. Well done us. But the question stands: Why aren’t you a Trump

Jonathan MS Pearce
Members Public

An ethical maze: Designing babies for a greater good?

Reading Time: 16 minutes “At ten months old, we were told he would need a heart transplant. There was no cure for his condition, so we would have to go to Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital at some point. If they had a bed. And a heart. And agreed to the procedure.” Great Ormond Street, the fam

Adam Lee
Members Public

Science lets us tell better stories

Reading Time: 5 minutes Ancient myths and rituals were humanity’s first, fumbling attempt at understanding the world. But now we can tell the true stories.