Welcome to OnlySky

Journey into a future shaped by creativity, critical thought, and secular habits of mind. Help shape what’s next!

Lisa Jarrington
Members Public

How Project 2025 threatens our secular democracy

It’s no surprise that Donald Trump has tried to distance himself from Project 2025, given the unpopularity of its goals. Neither is it a surprise that Trump, notoriously incurious about policy, might in fact be telling the truth when he says, "I know nothing about Project 2025"

Dale McGowan
Members Public

Go easy on the weatherfolks. It's chaos out there

Weather forecasts are tangible, daily predictions of the future. But it's damn near impossible to get it right—and that's about to get much worse.

Bruce Ledewitz
Members Public

From secular society to secular civilization

In a hundred years, the Nones will likely be a majority of the US population. What will that secular society be like?

Captain Cassidy
Members Public

We’ve burned past +1°C. Did a 2008 climate prediction get it right?

Sixteen years ago, a documentary predicted how a warming Earth would look at each of six temperature benchmarks. Now we've passed the first.

Adam Lee
Members Public

Climbing the Kardashev ladder: How civilization survives

The power to control ever-greater amounts of energy is a hallmark of civilization’s progress, and humanity is poised to take the next big step.

Andrew Fiala
Members Public

Could the rise of the nonreligious defuse the population bomb?

The UN estimate of Earth’s human population has flown past eight billion. Can less religion slow the explosion?

Emery Blake
Members Public

A transcendent secularism

2074: Transcendent secularism, combining reason and wonder, has transformed our relationship to the natural world.

Dale McGowan
Members Public

I want to die like a dog

Dying like a dog is the best death I can imagine.

Bruce Ledewitz
Members Public

This secular moment

No one ever said the Death of God would be easy.

Dale McGowan
Members Public

The personless apology

When it screws up, ChatGPT apologizes to me. It has the desired effect: I am defanged in the moment, willing to move on and trust again. But what is artificial remorse doing to the idea of the apology?

Jonathan MS Pearce
Members Public

This clusterf*** is bigger than you think

Enjoying a morsel of good news in one corner of the world? Snap out of it.

Adam Lee
Members Public

An urgent message from the future

I'm sure you have questions.