Dale McGowan

Dale McGowan

Editor-in-chief. Author of books on nonreligious life, creator of podcasts on music, parenting, and death.

Dale McGowan
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The dangerous missing piece in the coming election

It's not just about courtesy.

Dale McGowan
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How the Electoral College dies

There is a real chance that future elections will take place without the red-and-blue map of the Electoral College. Here's how it could happen.

Dale McGowan
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The emptying of Florida

Many Floridians currently fleeing Hurricane Milton are unlikely to return. It may be the first big step in the predicted near-emptying of the climate-exposed peninsula.

Dale McGowan
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The methadone of the people

It's tempting to imagine a future free of the opium of the people. But there's a new addiction right behind it.

Dale McGowan
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A theory of future music

A music professor tries to imagine the music of the distant future.

Dale McGowan
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Look up or don’t look up: We probably won’t see the one that gets us

Tick tick, y'all.

Dale McGowan
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The disorienting weirdness of GPT's hallucinations

We just aren't wired to grok this kind of interaction.

Dale McGowan
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For the Trump faithful, it comes down to plot armor

It's no surprise that Trump benefits from a feature you've seen on bad television.

Dale McGowan
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You think weather forecasting is bad now? Welcome to 2070

It's not just the size of the storms that future generations will deal with. It's the terrifying unpredictability.

Dale McGowan
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Was I always going to write this?

It's one of the biggest and least consequential questions we can ask.

Dale McGowan
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Go easy on the weatherfolks. It's chaos out there

Weather forecasts are tangible, daily predictions of the future. But it's damn near impossible to get it right—and that's about to get much worse.

Dale McGowan
Members Public

I want to die like a dog

Dying like a dog is the best death I can imagine.