Adam Lee

Adam Lee

Atheist author and speaker from New York City.

Adam Lee
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Too many people

Wealthy, well-developed nations are nearing ZPG (zero population growth), which makes life better for everyone.

Adam Lee
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The Svalbard seed vault: A survival bunker for civilization

Reading Time: 5 minutes How could we reengineer civilization to be resilient against catastrophe? A vault of seeds slumbering in Arctic permafrost suggests one way.

Adam Lee
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The deathbed perspective

Reading Time: 4 minutes It’s easy to forget that life is temporary. How would you live differently with that knowledge in front of you?

Adam Lee
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Solar geoengineering: Can we buy time to heal climate change?

Reading Time: 5 minutes We can cool our warming planet by blocking sunlight in the atmosphere. Is this hubris or a way of mitigating the damage we’ve already done?

Adam Lee
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Are AI art programs ripping off human artists?

Reading Time: 5 minutes Artists erupted in protest when they learned that AI art engines like Stable Diffusion were trained on their copyrighted works. This revelation has ignited a debate about the meaning of fair use.

Adam Lee
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AI is getting scarily good

Reading Time: 7 minutes Technological advances have made it possible for computers to hold conversations, perform surgery, create art, and more. What room is left for humans?

Adam Lee
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The middle of history

Reading Time: 5 minutes Why today’s utopian ideologies are unlikely to take us all the way to utopia.

Adam Lee
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Lack of trust is the universal acid

Reading Time: 4 minutes Our greatest accomplishments sprang from an era of trust and cooperation. Without trust, all our institutions crumble.

Adam Lee
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The revolutionary power of optimism

Optimism isn’t a naive faith in inevitable betterment, but a tenacious belief that the world can be made better—and that belief is at the root of all progress.

Adam Lee
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On Earth Day, reasons for climate optimism

The world is really and truly flattening the curve of climate change. Although we can’t stop global warming entirely, we still have a chance to mitigate its effects.

Adam Lee
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Why degrowth is (still) wrong

Reading Time: 6 minutes Earlier this month, I wrote an essay against degrowth, the position that drastic reductions to the modern lifestyle are our only hope of saving the planet. I argued that, to the contrary, renewable energy promises a future of greater abundance even as we tread more lightly on

Adam Lee
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Heat pumps will bring secular victory

Reading Time: 3 minutes Fossil fuels pay for Vladimir Putin’s war. The oil and gas that Europe buys from Russia become the bombs and missiles falling on Ukraine. If we had a way to break this dependence, if Europeans no longer relied on Russian gas to heat their homes, we could choke off Putin’s rev