
Jonathan MS Pearce
Members Public

One cosmic incarnation or (very, very) many?

Would there be an alien Jesus? What would it look like?

Ryan Cragun
Members Public

Maybe religion isn’t dying, but it’s definitely not well

Reading Time: 6 minutes In their recent Wall Street Journal op-ed, Byron R. Johnson and Jeff Levin, referring to a paper they recently published in the Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Religion (IJRR), argue that religiosity is not declining in the US but rather, “Americans are becoming more

Rick Snedeker
Members Public

The Catholic Justices driving the Supreme Court’s Roe reversal

Reading Time: 5 minutes I grew up Catholic, so I know something about the ancient faith’s hammerlock absolutism, especially regarding anything even remotely sexual. That’s why I immediately thought of sexuality when I learned along with everyone else this week about the “leaked draft opinion” of U.S