editor's pick

Will Gervais
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How deep does ‘anti-woke’ opinion go among atheists?

As another dispute over 'wokeness' erupts in the atheist world, we revisit a unique study of atheist attitudes.

Hector A. Garcia
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Absurdities to die for: The tribal psychology of the last pandemic, and the next one

As we approach the possibility of another pandemic, psychologist Hector Garcia looks at the tribal thinking behind COVID denial.

Phil Zuckerman
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Reducing crime in the coming years is easy—and we actually know how

Will the future include more or less violent crime? It depends on whether we rely on prayer, as many politicians are suggesting, or apply proven solutions.

Captain Cassidy
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Why authoritarians love—and hate—an apology

One of the many things we can expect in the next four years is a lot of sputtering demands for apologies for the last four years.

Adam Lee
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Morality is a technology to build a better world

It’s not just material technologies that make our lives better. Civilization is also a collection of moral technologies.

Adam Lee
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Good robots, bad robots, and the future of work

You say 'the robots will take our jobs' like it's a bad thing.

Tony Wolf
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One life: Imagining a radical acceptance of death

Could a future religion in which death is final create a real utopia?

Dale McGowan
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The methadone of the people

It's tempting to imagine a future free of the opium of the people. But there's a new addiction right behind it.

Marcus Johnson
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It may be time to accept that we're living in a simulation

New religion incoming.

Juhem Navarro-Rivera
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Projecting secular power into future elections

Already influential, secular voters will soon be the dominant voice in US elections, says political analyst Juhem Navarro-Rivera.

M L Clark
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The future-history we want, and the future-history we deserve

Is it any wonder that we’re lousy at imagining any futures but complete apocalypse or vague utopia?

M L Clark
Members Public

Solarpunk humanism: How we dream bigger than despair

Solarpunk offers a potent narrative space for imagining secular worlds to come, and how to get there.