midterm election 2022

Juhem Navarro-Rivera
Members Public

Projecting secular power into future elections

Already influential, secular voters will soon be the dominant voice in US elections, says political analyst Juhem Navarro-Rivera.

Rick Snedeker
Members Public

‘Free speech’ must be reformed before it destroys US democracy

Reading Time: 7 minutes The midterm elections are over. But, in a sense, it doesn’t matter—because the virulent, now-years-long epidemic afflicting American politics remains: cynical Republican mendacity, which is to say, purposeful lying and duplicity—spearheaded by former president Donald Trump. A

Rick Snedeker
Members Public

Vote for character, not shady characters

Reading Time: 3 minutes When you go to the polls to vote in Tuesday’s midterm election, if you didn’t vote early, keep one word in mind: character. The critical importance of that under-emphasized virtue to the health of the republic is eloquently underscored in a wise (as always) essay by David Fre

Rick Snedeker
Members Public

From Hitler to Trump, strongmen’s lies have devastated the world

Reading Time: 3 minutes At the risk of exaggerating a connection to today’s American political environment, bald-faced lies disingenuously and persistently applied over time destroyed Germany’s pre-World War II Weimar Republic. The lies were spread by the racist Nazi Party’s fascist leader, Adolf Hi