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Journey into a future shaped by creativity, critical thought, and secular habits of mind. Help shape what’s next!

Is the US headed for a cold civil war?
A majority of Americans fear that political violence is imminent. But it may not take quite the form we imagine.
The methadone of the people
It's tempting to imagine a future free of the opium of the people. But there's a new addiction right behind it.
Embracing 'hereness': A secular Jewish, anti-Zionist movement is reborn
The new Bund is another signal that the future of Judaism may be much more secular.
Be an average citizen of the future, now
Why not get ahead of the curve?
It may be time to accept that we're living in a simulation
New religion incoming.
The future of the fights against disease and war
God has had his turn. Securing a future with less disease and war is up to us.
A theory of future music
A music professor tries to imagine the music of the distant future.
Projecting secular power into future elections
Already influential, secular voters will soon be the dominant voice in US elections, says political analyst Juhem Navarro-Rivera.
We cannot let a secular fear of God-belief poison law and politics
Author and law professor Bruce Ledewitz warns that the rejection of objective morality and meaning imperils the future we claim to want.
The future-history we want, and the future-history we deserve
Is it any wonder that we’re lousy at imagining any futures but complete apocalypse or vague utopia?
The coming cleanup era
It's nice to imagine building a big, shiny future. But there's some un-sexy work to do first.
Look up or don’t look up: We probably won’t see the one that gets us
Tick tick, y'all.