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Journey into a future shaped by creativity, critical thought, and secular habits of mind. Help shape what’s next!

Adam Lee
Members Public

Why AI isn’t an oracle of truth

Reading Time: 5 minutes Big Tech companies eager to find the next big thing have latched onto AI chatbots—but they’re racing ahead of what the tech can actually do.

M L Clark
Members Public

Our secular struggle with medically assisted dying

Reading Time: 14 minutes Suffering from chronic pain, a friend’s grandmother took her own life when I was 18. I was over when my friend and her mother heard the news. I will never forget the character of her mother’s grief. She was devastated to lose her own mother, yes. But she was even more devast

M L Clark
Members Public

Reclaiming human agency in how we think about AI

Reading Time: 9 minutes Online panic about AI models like ChatGPT follows a well-travelled path set by impoverished understandings of evolutionary theory. Can we reclaim human agency?

M L Clark
Members Public

How to spare billionaires from terrorist attack

A radical eco-activist group arises in India after a terrible heat wave kills tens of thousands. The Children of Kali are firm in their declaration to the world: Change with us now, or suffer the wrath of Kali.

M L Clark
Members Public

So this is 90 seconds to midnight

Reading Time: 4 minutes On January 24, the Science and Security Board of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists officially moved the hands on the Doomsday Clock, which for three quarters of a century has been used to depict humanity’s risk of global disaster from nuclear war. When the clock was first

M L Clark
Members Public

What fifty years of struggle can teach us, going forward

Reading Time: 9 minutes The year is 1973. In January, Richard Nixon is sworn in for his second term as president, the US officially withdraws from its conflict in Vietnam, and an investigation into the Watergate break-ins expands from the burglars to the statesmen. In the coming months, Nixon will o

M L Clark
Members Public

COP28’s climate cop-out, and what comes next

Reading Time: 11 minutes Ignore the media claims of a “landmark” climate deal. COP28 failed to produce outcomes in word or in action or in funding that would get the world back on track for meeting key climate targets. Now what?

Dale McGowan
Members Public

A skittish AI finds its protest voice

I asked an AI to rewrite patriotic lyrics to reflect a more critical view of American history. It blanched and waffled and hesitated—before finally producing a work of art.

Jonathan Kassel
Members Public

How an aware AI might feel, and what that means for the future

As artificial intelligence (AI) evolves, one question continues to intrigue both scientists and the public: Will AI ever become self-aware? And if it does, what would self-awareness feel like for a machine? These questions bridge the fields of technology, philosophy, and ethics, offering both a thrilling glimpse into the future

Jonathan Kassel
Members Public

Putting the "I" in AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has evolved at a breathtaking pace, performing tasks once thought to be exclusively human—language processing, problem-solving, and even creativity. But a question that has captured both public imagination and expert scrutiny is: Will AI ever become self-aware? The concept of AI self-awareness, where machines can understand

Jonathan Kassel
Members Public

Unreal voices

In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has made significant strides in generating human-like voices, transforming everything from virtual assistants to customer service. AI-generated voices are no longer the robotic monotones of the past. Today, these voices are emotional, responsive, and increasingly indistinguishable from real human speech. From enhancing accessibility tools

Dr. Eve Makoff
Members Public

Slowing to listen at the end of life

Marcia sat up on the side of the bed, a hand on each knee, and braced herself as she leaned forward to open the space in her chest for more air. At 52, she was dying of ovarian cancer that had spread to her liver. The critical organ had failed,