Welcome to OnlySky

Journey into a future shaped by creativity, critical thought, and secular habits of mind. Help shape what’s next!

Georgia Michelman
Members Public

Entropy, time, and the arrow of adolescence

Is there an inherent link between entropy and the momentum of time?

Adam Lee
Members Public

AI is getting scarily good

Reading Time: 7 minutes Technological advances have made it possible for computers to hold conversations, perform surgery, create art, and more. What room is left for humans?

Dr. Eve Makoff
Members Public

The night I called Code Lavender

July 1995. It was my first night of internship, the next step after medical school. I’d already admitted a half dozen patients to the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit from the emergency room under the watch of a third-year resident. The CCU was the scariest first-night internship assignment there was.

J. H. McKenna
Members Public

The fellowship of the living

As humanists, we should completely reject age as an artificial segregation of humanity. A deep future view can help.

Rebekah Kohlhepp
Members Public

10 eye-opening secular books for a new perspective

Reading Time: 5 minutes Our world, and our minds, are always changing. Secular people often claim to be freethinkers, which is great. But part of being a freethinker is keeping your mind open to new ideas, new stories, and new perspectives. The good part is that the solution is remarkably simple: re

Marcus Johnson
Members Public

Study: How most of the 5 billion would die in a US/Russia nuclear exchange

Reading Time: 2 minutes A new study found that a nuclear war between the US and Russia could be the worst catastrophe in world history. But most people wouldn’t die from the exchange itself; 5 billion would perish from the hunger that follows. The study, published in Nature, found that the soot prod

Ryan Cragun
Members Public

Maybe religion isn’t dying, but it’s definitely not well

Reading Time: 6 minutes In their recent Wall Street Journal op-ed, Byron R. Johnson and Jeff Levin, referring to a paper they recently published in the Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Religion (IJRR), argue that religiosity is not declining in the US but rather, “Americans are becoming more

J. H. McKenna
Members Public

What might 100,000 more years of evolution do for the future of morality?

Reading Time: 2 minutes It was a bawdy planet for hundreds of millions of years; the whole of it reeked of sex without a whiff of morals in the air. Then, rather late in the day, a mere several thousand years ago, humans began offering moral codes recommending ‘licit’ sexual expression. But humans f

Adam Lee
Members Public

The middle of history

Reading Time: 5 minutes Why today’s utopian ideologies are unlikely to take us all the way to utopia.

Adam Lee
Members Public

Lack of trust is the universal acid

Reading Time: 4 minutes Our greatest accomplishments sprang from an era of trust and cooperation. Without trust, all our institutions crumble.

M L Clark
Members Public

‘The Serene Squall’, and other perfectly human contradictions

Reading Time: 8 minutes One of my biggest issues with J. J. Abrams’ Star Trek (2009) was its abysmal treatment of Spock’s core struggle with his human and Vulcan halves. Oh, he still had that tension in the movie! But Abrams also had Spock casually shacking up with a human (Uhura!) while loathing th

Adam Lee
Members Public

The revolutionary power of optimism

Optimism isn’t a naive faith in inevitable betterment, but a tenacious belief that the world can be made better—and that belief is at the root of all progress.