OnlySky Sponsored Content Guidelines

We welcome the opportunity to collaborate with businesses interested in reaching our audience of curious, science-oriented individuals. To ensure that sponsored content aligns with our website's values and meets the expectations of our readers, please follow the guidelines below.

1. Audience
Our readers are inquisitive individuals with a strong interest in science and a secular outlook. Content should be informative, engaging, and accessible to a general audience.

2. Tone and Style
Sponsored content should be written in an approachable and engaging tone, making complex ideas easy to understand without sacrificing depth or accuracy.

3. Content Restrictions
We do not accept content that promotes or includes religious proselytizing, pornography, misinformation or disinformation, hate speech, illegal activities, political endorsements, get-rich-quick schemes, unverified or misleading health claims, shock content or clickbait, or any form of advocated harm to others. Additionally, all content must not conflict with our commitment to science, reason, and secularism.

4. Linking Policy
Sponsored content may include relevant follow links that add value to the reader. We reserve the right to remove or modify any links that do not meet our standards.

5. Disclosure
All sponsored content will be clearly labeled as such at the beginning of the article. This ensures transparency and maintains trust with our audience.

6. Review Process
All sponsored content must be submitted for review before publication. We will assess alignment with our guidelines, the quality of writing, and overall relevance to our audience. We reserve the right to request edits or reject content that does not meet our standards.

7. No Exclusivity
We do not offer exclusivity to sponsors. Multiple sponsored articles may be published within the same month or category.

8. Length
Articles should be between 300 and 800 words.

8. Pricing
See pricing information here.

Submission and Contact
Please submit your content and any inquiries to We look forward to working with you to create valuable content for our readers.