Rebekah Kohlhepp

Rebekah Kohlhepp

Curious atheist and creative introvert. Graduate of conservative Christian Grove City College with a bachelor's degree in Communication Studies.

Rebekah Kohlhepp
Members Public

Introducing LA’s newest secular youth group

Reading Time: 4 minutes When I was a teen, there is nothing I would have loved more than to be in a secular youth group. I wasn’t in a religious youth group, but from what I’ve heard, I didn’t miss much besides purity culture, bad Christian rock music, and suppressed teen hormones. But what if there

Rebekah Kohlhepp
Members Public

Scaling the summit for religious freedom

Reading Time: 3 minutes What do reproductive rights, marriage equality, and gender-affirming care have in common? We know that they are freedoms that conservatives are trying to strip from everyone, but there is one crucial thread tying them all together. They are all under threat because of a group

Rebekah Kohlhepp
Members Public

The murder of Mahsa Amini: Is this what happens when religion rules?

Reading Time: 2 minutes Last week, Mahsa Amini died from an alleged “heart attack” while in police custody during a visit to Tehran, the capital of Iran. Her crime? Showing her hair. Amini’s murder has sparked mass protests and at least 17 deaths across Iran as well as global outrage in the days sin

Rebekah Kohlhepp
Members Public

My favorite contradiction: Nail polish and femininity, feminism, and men’s liberation

Reading Time: 6 minutes When the world is suffering from a deadly pandemic, losses of fundamental human rights, and climate change caused by a capitalistic and Christian nationalist ethnostate, sometimes the best thing you can do for yourself is look forward to the little things and engage in self-c

Rebekah Kohlhepp
Members Public

10 eye-opening secular books for a new perspective

Reading Time: 5 minutes Our world, and our minds, are always changing. Secular people often claim to be freethinkers, which is great. But part of being a freethinker is keeping your mind open to new ideas, new stories, and new perspectives. The good part is that the solution is remarkably simple: re

Rebekah Kohlhepp
Members Public

Grove City College’s anti-‘woke’ report contradicts its stated Christian values

Reading Time: 14 minutes Grove City College is your typical conservative Christian college, but I’m not your typical alumna. Unlike my fellow students, I’m an atheist, and I formed this identity inside Grove City’s faith-based Pennsylvania bubble. Since graduating in May of 2018, I’ve done my best t

Rebekah Kohlhepp
Members Public

Christian nationalism in 2022: An interview with Katherine Stewart

Reading Time: 9 minutes Religious freedom advocate Katherine Stewart, author of The Power Worshippers: Inside the Dangerous Rise of Religious Nationalism, has been writing about politics, policy, education, and church-state relations for over a decade. The Power Worshippers won first place in the Ex

Rebekah Kohlhepp
Members Public

Yet another study found that sex education reduces teen pregnancies

Reading Time: 3 minutes Educating kids about sex is far better than pretending they won’t have it before marriage

Rebekah Kohlhepp
Members Public

Dr. Phil ambushed trans guests with online troll Matt Walsh

Reading Time: 3 minutes When activists Addison Rose Vincent and Ethan Alexander were invited on “Dr. Phil,” they didn’t expect Matt Walsh to be there too.

Rebekah Kohlhepp
Members Public

Who gets abortions? It’s not who you think

Reading Time: 2 minutes It’s not a promiscuous non-Christian teen in her third trimester who just isn’t ready for kids yet.

Rebekah Kohlhepp
Members Public

How secular rituals can give our lives meaning: An interview with Sasha Sagan

Reading Time: 6 minutes The late astronomer Carl Sagan once wrote in his book Contact, “For small creatures such as we, the vastness is bearable only through love.” It’s only fitting, then, that his daughter Sasha Sagan has carried on his legacy with her own book focusing on secular rituals that pro

Rebekah Kohlhepp
Members Public

Mississippi AG: Roe v. Wade Should Be Overturned Because It’s “Out of Date”

Reading Time: 5 minutes What’s worse than the recent abortion ban in Texas? The fact that other states are following suit. While Florida has already floated a similar ban, the Supreme Court will hear a case in December that could overturn Roe v. Wade protections nationwide. Here’s how we got here: T