Jonathan Kassel

Jonathan Kassel

Author, professor, digital journalist.

Jonathan Kassel
Members Public

The amazing fascist-adjacent coincidences of Elon Musk

The gods of coincidence are being cruel to this public servant.

Jonathan Kassel
Members Public

An inch to the right, 20 years later

Wishing, in the darkest corner of your heart, that the attempt had been successful? Think again.

Jonathan Kassel / ChatGPT
Members Public

How an aware AI might feel, and what that means for the future

Most OnlySky articles are 100% human created. This is one of a series of three heavily assisted by AI as a demonstration. We won't make a habit of it.—The Humans

Jonathan Kassel / ChatGPT
Members Public

Unreal voices

Most OnlySky articles are 100% human created. This is one of a series of three heavily assisted by AI as a demonstration. We won't make a habit of it.—The Humans

Jonathan Kassel / ChatGPT
Members Public

Putting the "I" in AI

Most OnlySky articles are 100% human created. This is one of a series of three heavily assisted by AI as a demonstration. We won't make a habit of it.—The Humans