Eva Valenti

Eva Valenti

Writer on science, fashion, culture, tech, and the outsourcing of humanity.

Eva Valenti
Members Public

Mother-daughter stories are easy. You just have to break the universe

Reading Time: 5 minutes More than ever before, adult children are breaking ties with their parents. Shifting cultural norms and expectations, coupled with increased individualism and awareness of mental health concepts, are prompting children in their 30s to go “limited contact/no contact” with pare

Eva Valenti
Members Public

‘Bo Burnham: Inside’ retains magnetic hold on Gen Z, one year later

Reading Time: 7 minutes Return with me, if you will, to May 2021. Another summer was rounding the corner, and we were still locked inside of our homes. What many assumed at first would be a temporary lifestyle change had proven stubborn beyond our wildest fears. “This was supposed to be two weeks, n

Eva Valenti
Members Public

Adam and Steve: Queer artists repurpose Genesis as a gay love story

By “queering” Genesis with their music, Dorian Electra and Lil Nas X repurposed the Adam and Eve dynamic, turning it into a gay love story.