Adam Lee

Adam Lee

Atheist author and speaker from New York City.

Adam Lee
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The United Cities and Ruralities of America

It's a two-state solution for our own intractable conflict.

Adam Lee
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Model collapse—the end of the road for AI

AI is developing the same problem as cousins who marry—and for the same reason.

Adam Lee
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AI will be the death of the internet

The future of the internet is a lifeless wasteland. But what comes after that could be wild.

Adam Lee
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Heading into the dark

This too shall pass.

Adam Lee
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Morality is a technology to build a better world

It’s not just material technologies that make our lives better. Civilization is also a collection of moral technologies.

Adam Lee
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How selecting for Harvard in utero could go sideways

As long as our culture equates wealth and success with human value, this practice is inevitable. But it could easily go wrong.

Adam Lee
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Glimpses of the solarpunk future

As William Gibson said, the future is already here. It's just not evenly distributed. We already possess technologies that could create a world that's more sustainable, prosperous and equitable than the world as it is today. What's holding us back is that those technologies

Adam Lee
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Good robots, bad robots, and the future of work

You say 'the robots will take our jobs' like it's a bad thing.

Adam Lee
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I still want to go to Mars, but not if Elon Musk punches the ticket

It's bad enough what Musk does on Earth. I don't want him controlling my oxygen supply.

Adam Lee
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Is the US headed for a cold civil war?

A majority of Americans fear that political violence is imminent. But it may not take quite the form we imagine.

Adam Lee
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Be an average citizen of the future, now

Why not get ahead of the curve?

Adam Lee
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The coming cleanup era

It's nice to imagine building a big, shiny future. But there's some un-sexy work to do first.