Rick Snedeker

Rick Snedeker

Retired American journalist/editor, current author of nonfiction.

Rick Snedeker
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Inflation isn’t what’s making Americans unhappy

Reading Time: 4 minutes “It’s the economy, stupid.” It was a memorable 1992 quip that quickly went viral—and it’s still popular today—after being uttered by then-presidential candidate Bill Clinton’s political guru, James Carville, the “ragin’ Cajun.” Turns out, that theory may not necessarily be qu

Rick Snedeker
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Is America on the precipice of Civil War II?

Reading Time: 5 minutes The American Civil War is still far from over. A powerful metaphor for this worry was the violent insurrection Jan. 6, 2021, at the US Capitol, during which a Confederate battle flag was carried triumphantly, by an aggrieved Southerner, through the hallowed confines of Statua

Rick Snedeker
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Nancy Pelosi’s swan song implies America is a Christian nation

Reading Time: 3 minutes US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s epoch-ending, gavel-passing speech Thursday on the floor of the House demonstrated—the Founding Fathers’ vision of secular governance notwithstanding—how casually and normatively embedded Christianity remains at the summit of American governmen

Rick Snedeker
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South Dakota votes down marijuana, but alcohol is still a keeper

Reading Time: 7 minutes I regret to admit that I have, once or twice, ill-advisedly and many years ago, driven motor vehicles under the influence of marijuana. I don’t recommend it, due to the obvious safety risks that being stoned behind the wheel entail. Research indicates that while both pot and

Rick Snedeker
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‘Free speech’ must be reformed before it destroys US democracy

Reading Time: 7 minutes The midterm elections are over. But, in a sense, it doesn’t matter—because the virulent, now-years-long epidemic afflicting American politics remains: cynical Republican mendacity, which is to say, purposeful lying and duplicity—spearheaded by former president Donald Trump. A

Rick Snedeker
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Vote for character, not shady characters

Reading Time: 3 minutes When you go to the polls to vote in Tuesday’s midterm election, if you didn’t vote early, keep one word in mind: character. The critical importance of that under-emphasized virtue to the health of the republic is eloquently underscored in a wise (as always) essay by David Fre

Rick Snedeker
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Do MAGA minions realize they’re voting for more poverty and disrespect?

Reading Time: 6 minutes As the 2022 midterm elections loom large, it appears MAGA devotees have everything bass-ackwards. Do true believers in the overwhelmingly white, Christian, over-65-retiree MAGA base actually believe that Republican leaders, if elected, will give them what they truly want? Mor

Rick Snedeker
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Can Ukraine find meaning in Russia’s murderous invasion?

Reading Time: 4 minutes After Nazi leader Adolf Hitler’s occupation of Austria in 1938 and shortly before the United States entered World War II three years later, Dr. Viktor E. Frankl, an Austrian Jewish psychiatrist, noticed a piece of marble lying on a table at his parents’ home in Vienna. His fa

Rick Snedeker
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Report: At least 318,981 dead Covid anti-vaxxers can thank Trump

Reading Time: 6 minutes White Americans are now more likely than Black Americans to die of COVID. That’s just one more telling artifact littering the landscape of destruction Donald Trump’s one-term presidency inflicted—and continues to inflict—on the United States. In the early days of the pandemic

Rick Snedeker
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On bikinis and hijab

Reading Time: 5 minutes For Americans, as in most of the West, the meaning of the Arabic word “hijab” is as opaque as the term “bikinis” is clear. But the ancient misogynistic traditions that spawned both are still very much alive in the United States as elsewhere where Christianity still reigns. Th

Rick Snedeker
Members Public

Trump was never king of Twitter. This guy was (and is)

Reading Time: 3 minutes Among the more depressing news tidbits I recently ran into informed me that Georgia Republican congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene has 1.1 million Twitter followers. 1.1 million! It’s true. I checked. By comparison, I have, uh, 170 followers (.00001545% of Greene’s), which m

Rick Snedeker
Members Public

To forgive or not to forgive

Reading Time: 9 minutes Raised Roman Catholic, I was indoctrinated in childhood with the idea that forgiveness is a cardinal duty of faith, which then saddled me with knee-jerk guilt whenever I failed to bestow it. But as I think objectively about this moral ethos many decades later, I’m unconvinced