US Supreme Court

Rick Snedeker
Members Public

Faith: a ‘gateway drug’ to real-world tragedy

Reading Time: 6 minutes I’m a child of the ’60s, an era when the term “gateway drug” was commonly evoked by anti-drug zealots in reference to marijuana. And it was probably true, but only in the sense that young people who were scofflaw enough to try smoking pot in that era—it was a legally very ris

Rick Snedeker
Members Public

Vasectomies are suddenly a hot birth-control option

Reading Time: 4 minutes Why are vasectomies cool again? Since the U.S. Supreme Court earlier this year overturned Roe v Wade, a landmark 1973 federal law legalizing abortion nationwide, urologic healthcare providers have reported a sharp uptick in men seeking vasectomies—the male equivalent of women